Our Employee Assistance Programs support your people to manage many of life’s challenges – at work and at home.
Work issues travel home, and problems at home are brought to work. Our Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are aimed at the early identification, management, and resolution of these issues, so that your people and organisation can thrive. With studies¹ showing that EAPs contribute to increased productivity, higher levels of engagement, motivation and staff retention, reduced costs and fewer workplace accidents, a healthy and resilient workforce is invaluable to your organisation.
Our Employee Assistance Programs manage the work health balance of your people, with a focus on building mental and emotional resilience through evidence-based interventions and strategies. Our experienced counsellors and consultants work with all levels within organisations, offering confidential support to achieve wellbeing at work and at home.
For telephone counselling or to make an EAP appointment, please call 1300 66 77 00 (Australia) or 0800 327 669 (N.Z.)
[1] The EAP Return of Investment Summary (DTC, 2013), estimates that the average return on investment due to improvements in employee productivity was over $10,000 per client employee. The report also stated that the number of days absent from work because of employees discussing personal, family or workplace issues decreased by 31.6%, or almost one day off in the following eight weeks.